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Focusing our sustainability initiatives has helped us see clearly.

With the beauty industry producing one-third of the plastic in our ecosystem, it’s important that we’re a part of the change, not the problem. That’s why we’ve partnered with Clean Hub—to help us, and our brands, offset our plastic footprint. 


What does the term ‘plastic neutral’ mean to us?

For every pound of plastic sold through The Detox Market, an equal amount of nature-bound plastic will be retrieved and appropriately disposed of—either recycled or repurposed.

We’re starting by cleaning up a mess that already exists…

The beauty industry produces an estimated 120 billion units of packaging each year. Cleanhub enables the safe collection and recovery of nature-bound plastic waste while creating sustainable jobs in the Global South.

…and working to stop it in its tracks.

TerraCycle recycles over 97% of collected waste and reuses or upcycles the rest. TerraCycle helps us divert millions of pounds of waste from our environment by giving packaging—shampoo caps, lotion dispensers, foundation containers, and more—a second life. TerraCycle your empties with us!
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Offsetting Carbon

To help you shop in a more eco-friendly way, EcoCart calculates your order’s total carbon footprint and provides you with the option to cover this cost at checkout.
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Plant a Tree

Thanks to our partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects, we plant a tree for every online purchase you make—helping us remove carbon from the air and work towards a greener future. We’ve planted over 500,000 trees since 2020.


Big results require even bigger ambitions, and we’re determined to make a difference (in more ways than one).