4 Tips to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

Let’s start by exploring who we are. Deep down. Under all that has been taught and all that has been left aside. Our pleasure, a connection to self, is what lies within the second or sacral chakra. Just like water, there needs to be fluidity, to move and dance, to experience newness and overall pleasure.

“Lose your mind and come to your senses.” - Fritz Perls

Anodea Judith says, “Without touch, we literally become out of touch. Dulled in our senses, behaviour becomes senseless instead of sensible.”

The right to feel. It is something that is needed and felt but never taught properly or at least has been an experience for many. We are told to feel certain ways, or to not feel. There is a right way and a wrong way of expressing ourselves, whether it be in the name of love, sexuality, creativity, and power just to name a few. As children, our act of expressing is dimmed by doing the right thing or being taught to act in ways which we “behave”. But, how much damage does that actually do to the second chakra? We find ourselves searching for the right way to create, find pleasure, express ourselves and most of all feel exactly how we are feeling.

Through motions of working through blocks of the sacral chakra, we are able to become more aware and in touch with the innermost part of our desires and our beliefs around our needs and wants. It is no longer the battle of what is right and wrong, dependent on external factors, but what is exactly present inside of us, connected to our Higher Self and Soul. It is without a doubt that when we become connected in this way we lose the barriers we have built around honest expression and we come to be like waterfluid, relaxed or wavy, soothed, and constantly feeling and being felt.

We need to play more. Remember when you were a kid and you would call your friends to see if they could “play”? Why don’t we take time to do that with ourselves? Play. Be playful. Explore and understand. Feel and move through it. Accept change and guiding faith when doing so. To be in touch with our sacral chakra is to understand what does not resonate, understand and be fully aware of our choice of self-expression, to open up to intimacy and sexual experience, deal with our emotions and feelings, and no longer allow a numbing effect of shutting this part of your self out.

Here’s a visual: Your sacral chakra is like a cup of water. When you are balanced and flowing, your cup is flowing too. When there are blocks or a lack of energy, your cup may have little water (needing to be filled) or be stagnant (unable to move and process). When our cup is full and flowing, we are able movement in our own lives and spill our goods into the cups of others.

Element: Water

Purpose: Movement and Connection

Color: Orange

In Balance:

Ability to change

Creation of healthy boundaries


Pleasure and fulfillment

Nurturing self and others


Poor social skills

Lack of sex drive/fear of intimacy

Lack of desire or passion




Basic Rights: To feel and have pleasure

Explore the deepest parts of you. We seek pleasure in all when pleasure is restored within us. When experiencing signs of blockages in this chakra try these 4 ways to bring that balance back:


It goes without saying, since the second chakra is represented by the water element, one of the key balancing practices is to drink lots of water. Water acts to help flush the system of both physical toxins and spiritual. Water is a key life source and will help balance your second chakra.


“Guilty pleasures” is no such thing. Guilt is associated with the sacral chakra and causes blocks to form. We need to get back to the basics of just admiring and appreciating all the small things. Pleasures light us up. They do not need to be approved or explained to anyone else. It is teaching one’s self to create healthy boundaries while still nurturing and not denying our pleasures.


Water is fluid which means it’s constantly moving, even when it doesn’t seem to be moving. 70% of our body is made up of water which means we must move as much as possible to make sure we are free flowing in our mind, body, and spirit. Use music as your conductor and dance as your way to move and shift. Turn on your favorite, uplifting beats and without hesitation move in whatever way you are able and willing, without creating boundaries. Try this alone to really maximize on the zero boundary approach.


Here’s an extra. Try doing some body appreciation work. Standing in the mirror, naked, completely as you are and just allow yourself to appreciate who you are and what is in front of you. Happy is the new healthy. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When we are aligned with our Highest Self our body mirrors that. It isn't dieting or shaming yourself into wanting to look a different way, it’s accepting where you are right now and finding utter bliss in knowing that you are always changing, constantly doing the work if you want to and accepting your body, your sexuality, and your self-expression in the way that is exactly true to you as an individual. There is only one you, be fully in your vessel, be the beholder of your beauty.

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